I am taking a moment to acknowledge that I have been keeping at this blog every day for 200 days straight! Whenever anything else falters in my life, I can at least look at this and say, "I'm meeting this challenge at least!" and I can take a little comfort in that.
Yesterday I was running on fumes. Interaction with anyone was totally excruciating, as I just wanted to be Left Alone so I could REST! I haven't felt that Introverted in a long time, perhaps ever. It points out just how tired I really am, and how much I am in need of some Quality Respite time. I have a plan ready to go; I just need some cashola to execute it!
Himself stepped up fabulously yesterday...he supervised the installation of the new dishwasher, and did two loads of dishes, unloading the first before putting in the second load. I even let him load up the dishwasher without rearranging everything afterwards - that's how Heavy I felt yesterday. As for where he put everything once it was all dry, that I need to work on. ;)
Today he is at the chiropractor as a patient through the VA, instead of being treated for an injury. He had to fill out some paperwork to switch over, and that gave the Queen Mother time to shower. (She prefers to shower when he's not around, when possible.)
I'm back to "Scrambling While I Wait for Money" mode, and that's not a whole lot of fun. The money that Himself's stepmother sent is playing hell to get here: the first check was lost in the mail, then the wire transfer was sent back by our credit union because there was no NAME specified in the transfer! Now a second check is supposedly making its way to us - by regular snail mail, again. Himself half-jokingly said the VA might give him money before that check arrives!
Speaking of: his case has been assigned to a judge at the Board of Veteran's Appeals for review. All possible body parts remain crossed for a quick resolution in our favor.
Also: I am still waiting for any sort of document from the DMV as to when the Queen Mother was first certified as Disabled. If it winds up showing nothing, we will have to wait until we have more money to do a more in-depth investigation. I want to get her on that Working Disabled program so I can get PAID and not have to worry about the stupid Share of Cost for her Medi-Cal!
They say it is darkest before the dawn...and it's still looking rather dark around here, new dishwasher notwithstanding. Hoping the new days dawns Soon.
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