Monday, September 30, 2019

Day 359: on starting a new year (#1)

Before our alarm went off this morning, my "fuzzy alarm" came and woke me up. Inkblot is very good at waking me up to ask for First Breakfast for himself and his sister. Often he will even wait until after sunrise. So I got up and fed the cats, and hopped into the shower. Himself went through his own morning routine when I got out of the shower. As I was going out to get the Queen Mother's breakfast items together, I had the "pleasure" of stepping in fresh cat puke. How lovely. I cleaned that up before getting to the matter of breakfast.

We got out of the house and breakfast in our bellies in decent time, and avoided much of the Morning Commute traffic by using Google Maps to figure out when to take surface streets vs when to use the highway. We actually made it to the synagogue with a few minutes to spare, which was a good thing, as we needed to pass through security and get our "assignment" for the services. Himself and I "opened the Ark" for a key portion of the service, which allowed everyone to gaze upon the two large scrolls that comprise the Torah, aka the first five "books" of the Old Testament, as they sang and/or recited the prayers of that portion.

The Rosh Hashanah services ended about 1pm, so we headed home to check upon the Queen Mother, feed the cats, and (as it turns out) pay a few bills. By the time all was said and done, it was far past time to try and make it to the congregation's Tashlich ceremony, so Himself and I will be doing our own version of Tashlich tomorrow, and I will explain what that is to my fellow gentiles (non-Jews) at that time. We both agreed to go home, nap, then consider our dinner options after I put the Queen Mother's dinner together.

Roughly two blocks from where we live, in the same strip mall that our now-favorite laundromat is located, there is a new Mexican restaurant that took the place of another Mexican restaurant that we frequented now and again. We chose to try them out, and so far, the experience has been very underwhelming, to be honest. I ordered a veggie enchiladas plate, expecting enchilaldas with actual vegetables in them. We were then told that they had run out of vegetables for the day in the kitchen. Yes, I can eat cheese enchiladas, and I did, and they were decent, but it wasn't what I had ordered, and I felt like I really needed some vegetables.

One of the new owners happened to be present, and when he came over to our table, I let him know exactly what had happened and how I felt about it - nicely, because I am a Libra after all. He gave me a card to present on our next visit for a free plate of veggie enchiladas and a free dessert as well, so that was a pleasant outcome. We will try them again, but we'll definitely check to make sure they actually have the necessary veggies first!

I will most likely be heading to bed after I help the Queen Mother into bed for the evening. Himself has an appointment tomorrow, but it's not till late morning, so I will have an opportunity to sleep in...provided my fuzzy alarm clock can behave himself. ;)