I had my Tea and Morning Pages ritual, I did the laundry, I had a nap, and I took out the trash and recycling while the weather was still good. I showered when I was done, then collected Inkblot, whose temperature had returned to normal. He went straight into the kitchen once he was home, and had a bit of dinner, and visited the litterbox. He's been pretty well zonked ever since. We're taking turns keeping an eye on him.
Because of Inkblot, and because the Queen Mother has refused all responsibility around him, we stayed local this evening, returning home after the usual Saturday night meeting early because of Himself's "strained" muscle. More and more, he believes something is actually torn instead of merely being strained, so we plan to make some noise come Monday to see if we can't get this situation looked at more closely and perhaps re-diagnosed.
Some good news awaited me in the mailbox when we got home: the Queen Mother has had her IHSS hours increased, so the re-certification went through. The new hours go into effect April 1st, so that's our firm deadline to get her switched to the Working Disabled program, and OFF of the income-based version of Medi-Cal. Now that I have an actual timeline to go with my actual goal, I feel revitalized and am preparing to go "Once More Unto the Breach," per King Henry V in the Bard's play, come Monday.
We will be setting our clocks ahead before bed tonight, as Daylight Savings Time kicks in. I have some thoughts around that, which I will share tomorrow. :)
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