Sunday, March 17, 2019

Day 163: on an easy sunday

The cats got me up a bit before 9:30 this morning, so I took advantage of the earlier than anticipated start and washed my hair, especially since I couldn't exactly remember when I last washed it. I got out of the shower and dressed in perfect timing to help the Queen Mother with her breakfast.

Himself and I were a bit early to our support group, for once! There was some good sharing had by all, and I confirmed my plans with my friend from the group for early next week. Ocean time will abide until tomorrow, when we shall pay a visit before Himself's mid-afternoon appointment at the VA Medical Center. Today, we paid a visit to Wal-Mart so I could get enough cat food to tide us over until I receive my next paycheck next week.

It was a lovely day to be outside. Tomorrow will be a little cooler, but still sunny enough to visit the beach. It's fixing to rain on the Equinox itself, so I will probably have to postpone my labyrinth visit until after the next storm passes through. In the meantime, I'm happy to soak up some rays and make myself some Vitamin D.

I have the next week to put into my paper calendar, and figure out what needs to be done when, but I'm pretty well ready to begin the next week on a good note, instead of with dread. A nice change of pace! :)


  1. I feel the longing in your desire for the ocean. Mother Earth must have a message for you.

    1. I might have a little something to say about that... ;)
