Monday, July 22, 2019

Day 290: on deep quiet

Himself arrived home late last night, so we both agreed we were going to sleep in this morning, and figure out breakfast after we awoke. We did and we did, as there was just enough cereal left for all three of us to partake. The cats, of course, had other ideas, and woke me up well before the alarm went off for our breakfast, but I did come back to bed after they had received theirs.

Once we were awake enough, Himself and I went out to get more cereal, and cat food, and a few other things. He returned home long enough to drop me off, then took off again for his Cardiac session and Club business. I stayed home and rested. Mom was reading, the cats were occupying themselves, and I noticed a Deep Quiet settle in the house. I wasn't particularly sleepy today - a little odd, considering it's the most vigorous part of my Moonflow - but I felt my spirit soaking it up like a sponge. More of this, with thanks, I recall thinking. 

My Morning Pages became "Afternoon Pages" today, because my mind was in no mood to create coherent sentences when I first woke up. I did enjoy my usual Chai Tea Latte, though. 

I finished off the rice I had steamed yesterday, pairing it with a bean and cheese burrito. I am feeling the need for a little extra iron and am eating accordingly.  Himself is having a late dinner, so I steamed some more rice for him while he was on his way home. I wish I could record and share smells on the blog, because the veggie broth makes everything smell so Divine when the rice is just about done. You'll just have to use your imagination. ;)

Tomorrow we have to get up rather early for the all important Compensation and Pension appointment. Pray hard that this is truly the beginning of the end for Himself's fight for rightful compensation! Regardless, I look forward to some luxurious napping when we're done!


  1. I hope you get what is due to you guys, you so deserve it.
