Monday, July 29, 2019

Day 297: on pulling it together

I started doing some Spritual work today, to see if I could strengthen my connection to Divinity and the magick of the Unseen. Today I read up on Persephone, for She is the aspect I have been resonating with quite a bit in this wild Odyssey of mine.

Himself brought some recycling home yesterday, and took it to our favorite recyclers today. Adding our can collection to what he brought home, we got a nice bit of change which went into the gas tank, and helped to buy some much needed groceries. We're looking pretty good now to finish the month.

We also switched around a few things this week, so we're in for some "early" days ahead. Looks like I'll need to practice my Imitation of a Morning Person, which I did pretty well in the days of College and Working, for it's gotten a bit rusty. I'm looking forward to getting back in the Exercise saddle besides Himself. I've found that I've dropped a bit more weight, and am just about where I was when this Caregiver odyssey began. It's been moving my body here, trimming a few calories there...and my clothes are starting to fit better as well.

For those who joined me this year: a Healthy Weight has been a challenge for me all of my life. When I met Himself, I was about 40 pounds less than I am now, having radically restrucured my eating habits. I was all but vegan, and was a Medium size for the first time in my life in clothes. (Looking back, I also see I was on the verge of becoming anorexic, so I'm glad I met someone who enjoys food as much as I do.)

Between Himself's cancer adventure, and then the Queen Mother's mind adventures added on top of that, I went on an emotional eating spree, replacing all of the weight I had dropped in previous years, and then some. It's only been within the last few months that I have returned to healthier ways of eating for me and my body type, and I am both seeing and feeling the difference.

Tomorrow begins the fun. I might, or might not, be a bit sarcastic right now. ;)


  1. Dieting is horrible, but healthy eating can be quite enjoyable. We have had dietary changes which have challenged us to find tasty new ways to prepare foods which has been quite an adventure! Spring rolls again soon! I want to try some with mint the next time!

  2. I've never considered myself ever "dieting," per se, but I've had time of more healthy and less healthy eating.

    Forgot to mention how much I LOVE basil on that particular entry of yours. Thai Basil especially can lead to an out of body experience for me. :q
