I made it to my chiropractic appointment in plenty of time, and felt better afterwards. I'm going to see if I can return after the new year to get my spine re-aligned still further.
After I had my breakfast, I made it out to the post office. The self-serve kiosk was down, doubtless after being overwhelmed with so many holiday shipments, so I had to get in the "full service" line and paid a grand total of 71 cents to get my Very Important Papers mailed to Sacramento to see if I can get those October paychecks (that were gobbled up by the evil Share of Cost) re-sent to me.
From there, it was a trip to Walmart to pick up a few necessities. I'm down to a little more than a dollar in ye olde bank account, but no worries, I'm going to be submitting another timesheet tomorrow.
Post-dinner, I loaded up the dishwasher and turned it on, then settled into my mandala coloring book to work on a special Solstice mandala. I have to take occasional breaks when I'm coloring, because my mind is considering different colors in the patterns, and sometimes it takes me a while to choose which color is going where! So far, though, it's always turned out well, at least in my opinion.
I was delayed in posting this evening because I had to some proofreading for Himself in a project he's working on. Gotta trim up those run-on sentences! ;) Perhaps tomorrow I'll wax a bit more eloquently and at length. I've been mulling over a few things as the year draws to a close, and I have a few thoughts to share...
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