Depression came for a visit today. :p
My back was acting up a bit - the result of an ill-timed sneeze or two - and the Queen Mother was complaining about some of the yogurt we got from the pantry specifically for her. I never got my usual morning routine in, and taking a shower did not help my back (though I did get my hair washed). I managed to submit the other timesheet for November, but with the IHSS people doing their year-end processing, it might be the New Year before I get any money in the bank account. I was also expecting a fax that failed to arrive today.
So Depression stopped by, to say hello to the Comparison Monster. For much of the day I didn't feel Enough...I didn't do enough to get money in a timely fashion; we don't have enough food to make it however long we need to before we get more money (which is not true, BTW); we don't have enough "Quality Food" and we have to subsist on "scraps." Oh yes - we don't have enough Holiday Spirit and Christmas is doomed to fail! This last one arises when I listen to the Comparison Monster as we look at everyone's cheery Christmas posts on social media. The irony: I haven't celebrated Christmas for years. My big holiday is Yuletide at the Winter Solstice. I did manage to miss most of the celebrations this year, between my unexpected Moonflow and my wonky back.
The gloom has lifted a bit, after dinner and a nap, and the unexpected treat of some Reeses peanut butter cups from the Queen Mother, who got them from her bestie. The cats have provided some solace as well. Strangely enough, they seems to be content with food in their bellies, a roof over their heads, and nice bags to lie upon when they get tired of sharing bedspace with mom and grandma. I could stand to take a lesson from them!
I suspect I'll feel better tomorrow. I just feel a little run down and drained tonight. Bah Humbug, and all of that, ya know.
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