Himself and I made it to the support group today, despite it starting half an hour earlier than usual due to the holidays. I was grateful to be able to sit upright in a chair for the whole group; this time last week, I was flat on my back in bed, hoping the muscles in my low back would quit spasming and seizing up. It took about a week, but I'm back to feeling reasonably normal again. It was good to share where I was, and witness where everyone else was as well.
After the support group was finished, we made the drive down to La Jolla so Himself could get his back X-rayed at the VA Medical Center. He says he didn't see any obvious fractures. Though he's not a doctor, he has been in some gnarly accidents, and would know way better than I if there were any fractures. We're taking this as good news. We made a quick stop at Trader Joe's on the way home to pick up a few essentials before dinner.
After dinner, it was "mission of mercy" time to drive down to a friend's place and pick up some personal belongings for him, as he is currently rehabilitating at a skilled nursing facility. Then it was a quick trip to the old Alano Club for a bit of a scouting mission. It was mind blowing how different it looked, stripped down to its essentials and all but empty within. Tomorrow they plan to have a "smudging party" at the new place at noon. I have sage, and a hand drum, and I'm tempted to go and contribute my skills to help clear out the old energy and set the foundation for new energy to come in. We shall see if that happens; I didn't make any promises one way or the other.
The Queen Mother went to bed an hour earlier than usual, as she'd had a headache for most of the day. Himself and I are probably going to turn in pretty soon as well. We actually have plans to be out and celebrating the New Year tomorrow evening: dinner and a comedy show, possibly some dancing, though with Himself's wonky back, probably not that much. At any rate, it's nice to have plans for tomorrow. Some years I've been out celebrating (we had a nice long run of First Nights in town, and I attended many of them); other nights I've stayed at home and rung in the new in Sacred Space. This year, I'm actually looking forward to going out and being sociable, since the last few years have felt horribly isolating.
I'll see if I can squeeze in a contemplative post, if not tomorrow, then definitely on Tuesday. Meanwhile, we count down the final hours of 2018...
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