He recovered enough to get the recycling from the Alano Club taken over to our favorite place and turned in for a bit of gas money. By the time we got back, though, it was too late for me to go to his Cardiac session with him for my workout, as it would mean we wouldn't get back to the house before 5:30 if we were lucky. So he went down and I stayed home.
The Queen Mother complained once again about the cats being "indoor prisoners." She has admitted in the past that she is projecting some of her feelings onto the cats, who seem to be adapting better to the change than she is giving them credit for. For the record, I have offered to take the Queen Mother out of the house and go do fun things, but she always declines because "it's too painful." I try.
At any rate, I grabbed Inkblot's harness and went outside with him. Twice. The first time, he basically sniffed the air before deciding to go back inside, but the second time, he warmed up to a little wandering around. Of course, I didn't have my shoes on for the second foray, so I had to watch where I stepped! I cut the trip short when it looked like he was wanting to jump over a fence, so I brought him back in. Both times he was rewarded with treats for being a Good Boy, and I gave Pippa some treats so she wouldn't get jealous. I did promise Inkblot that I would work on taking him on Outdoor Adventures more often.
Though plans changed today, we are good to go for tomorrow for sure.
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