Friday, August 23, 2019

Day 322: on arriving at a pivot point

Stayed home again this evening, as the Queen Mother woke up nauseous and in a foul mood this morning. Her mood improved after I cleaned up in the kitchen, but the nausea lingered. I have a feeling that my ability to get out of the house for long stretches of time is going to be compromised, unless and until I can find someone to come and keep an eye on her. I will be getting in touch with my agent at the Southern California Resource Center to explore my options. My best guess is that her gallstones are not behaving and are causing her discomfort. Question is, would surgery at the age of 77 be worth it?

Another thing to think about is whether or not she could receive an injection for her osteoporosis. Her doctor's office called today and presented this option. If I recall correctly, she would only have to receive the injection twice a year, and it would be better than taking pills. I will be looking into this over the weekend and discussing this with mom to see what she wants to do. 

Tomorrow will be a deep dive into Huswifery, as I shake off some of the lethargy I've been inching my way through and bringing some much needed order to the bits of chaos around the house!


  1. I was on Fosomax for quite awhile before having throat issues. I then went to Reclast injections and was mush happier. I was first on twice a year infusions and then once a year infusions. I brought a book and sat in a recliner chair while the infusion took place. It was very doable for me.
