Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Day 320: on another plot twist

While I was with the Queen Mother in Urgent Care yesterday, Himself called me, quite excited. I had to call him back, and of course, my phone promptly died, so I had to wait until we all got back in the car together. It seems the VA threw him a bone, and put some money into his bank account early yesterday. They also finally acknowledged the carpal tunnel in his left hand and upped his service connection.

This is why we could be found today down in San Diego paying our significant bills, you know, for things like property taxes. We also had to mail his DC attorney their share of the money, unfortunately, but for the first time in a long while, I feel like I can take a full deep breath, even in the middle of my Moontime.

The VA administrators hope he will be satisfied with this and quit fighting. There are, however, several issues still to be resolved:
1) They acknowledged the carpal-tunnel, true; but he is Left-Handed, and the carpal tunnel is worse in his Left Hand, but he still has a greater rating in his Right Hand.
2) They gave him back pay to 2015; he has records indicating carpal tunnel in both hands all the way back to 1993. That's 22 years' worth of back pay, folks!
3) With all of the ratings for his various maladies, he should be at 100%, not 90%. He wants the actuarial math to be reviewed. Getting to 100% service connection gives him some additional perks, besides a larger pension - free dental through the VA, forgiveness of his student loans, and the ability to get me insurance. 

Himself talked to his attorney and both are in agreement: this windfall is nice, but it's only a bone. We will be pressing on.

In the meantime, his personal injury attorney is getting together the materials for the demand letter for compensation for the auto accident he was in last July. Once that money comes in, we just might have the last steps in place to make it to the finish line in this part of the Odyssey. 

It's not the post I really wanted to make, but it feels damn good to have bills PAID, and have a little bit left over. :)


  1. G-d willing you will get more of what you should be getting and your life will be easier.

  2. I'm glad for the positive news -- and the bit of breathing room. I hope there's more relief to come, too!
