Sunday, November 4, 2018

Day 30: on appreciating the "little things"

With the switch back to (Pacific) Standard Time, we received the gift of a "25 hour" day. Though I appreciated the extra hour of sleep, the day got off to a bit of a rocky start, with the Queen Mother freaking out over the fact that we were temporarily out of cat food. The irony is, she didn't want to be adopted by the cats (yes, that's how it happened), but now she seems more invested in them than I am at times. I had to remind myself: it's not my mother, it's her dementia. At any rate, I showered, dressed, then went to get the cat food. When I returned home, I delberately slowed down and brewed myself a cup of tea to Reset my morning. There is nothing like a good cup of one's favorite morning beverage (looking at all of my coffee-loving peeps), enjoyed Slowly and Mindfully, to get one's day (re)started right.

In my case, it "sorta" worked...there was a bit of miscommunication between Himself and me in the early afternoon, which fouled up my mood until I returned to my mandala and colored some more of it in. When he had finished his errands, then we went grocery shopping, and came back to have dinner before moving into the evening.

There was a meeting that I wanted to attend tonight, which I did, pushing through my resistance. It wound up having a very good vibe, and I'm grateful for finding a new outlet of support. On the way home, we noticed that the fog was rolling in significantly on the coast, the first real fog of the cooler weather. The fog didn't lift until we were about halfway home.

I am taking a moment now to pat myself on the back for blogging consistently for an entire month - Yay Me! I know that I have reconnected with my Morning Pages through blogging; I'm writing in the Pages with more consistency than I have in the recent past. I also know that writing here and in the Pages led me to the idea of Going Small, and that is beginning to produce some dividends in my life. :)

One thing I didn't manage to do was start on the paperwork for Medi-Cal or Cal-Works. I gave it the old college try, but my mind went into vapor-lock within about five minutes, and I chose not to try to push through. Monday is a fresh start, and is mostly empty, so I will try again then. As is said in Recovery, Easy Does It.

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