So I will summarize...
After hunting down a bit more paperwork needed for Himself's personal injury case, we managed to get our glass, plastic bottles, and empty cat food cans over to our local recycling company. Our total haul came out to a bit under $19.00, which doesn't seem like much, but might wind up being the difference in getting the bills paid and overdrawing in the bank. I'm hoping to visit the credit union early tomorrow before the next round of (Himself's) appointments, and voting.
I'm starting to put a bit more effort into cooking dinners for myself again. (It's pretty well a to each their own household at mealtime - I'm the vegetarian, Himself is the "semicolon," and the Queen Mother eats whatever she damn well pleases, unless it might cause constipation.) Today I cooked up a package of gnocchi and topped it with some marinara sauce. Tomorrow I plan to take a Spanish rice packet and add some seasoned Pinto beans to them. This might carry me through the rest of the week. I usually manage to have a fresh salad with my meals; right now it's mixed greens with some mushrooms added to them. By degrees, I begin to take better care of myself. There are more adjustments I can make, but they will come with time...and money.
I colored some more in my mandala and humored mother by watching some TV with her. I know I'm playing a little hide and seek with the paperwork I need to fill out; let's see if I can manage to fill it out tomorrow. Perhaps...
Hey honey I just wanted to leave you a little note to let you know that I read your blog every single day and really love it. I am with you in heart and spirit even though I don't have the energy to regularly respond. Losing Delilah really took me down. But I love you dearly and am hoping all this financial mess will get worked out very soon. Take care honey... <3