Well my friends, the Share of Cost bugaboo bit me again! It ate another paycheck of mine! I should have known it was going to be bad tidings when I couldn't get the notification email from IHSS to come up properly on my phone. The Medi-Cal people are sending me forms to fill out anyway, so it looks like I will be asking for reimbursement for all of October. (Le Sigh...)
My hand was forced because this one hurts more than the grabbing of my "vacation" pay - this paycheck was going to help me with paying a key bill or two, and now I'm totally scrambling. One more phone call, at least, to add to the other phone calls I need to make tomorrow to see if 1) I can figure out what's going on and 2) do some damage control. (Again, Le Sigh...)
So I finally bit the bullet and started my GoFundMe page. I am deeply grateful that I'm already getting support, and I will be officially thanking people starting tomorrow, once I get my head a little straighter. I'm also 2/3 of the way in filling out the "Cash Aid" application (apparently it's no longer called Cal-Works), and I should be ready to drop that off tomorrow, after Himself renews his driver's license at the DMV. I'll share more on that tomorrow, as it's yet another tale of Government Inaction, instead of Government In Action :p
Even though I had a craptastic day, I still managed to get to my polling place and vote today. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer to go and vote In Person; besides, all I have to do is walk out my front door, walk to the end of my block, cross the street, and there I am. Today there were way more cars in the parking lot than there had been in years past. Granted, I voted later in the day than usual, but it was still a heartening sight to see. I'm sure I'll get all the election results once Himself returns home this evening.
How things unfold tomorrow will depend on how long Himself has to stay at the DMV. I'm praying it's not the whole damn day. (One more time, Le Sigh...!)
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