Today has certainly been a mixed bag...
Himself left early to hit up the DMV for the renewal of his driver's license. Although he was advised to make an appointment, the only appointment available was at an office some 2-3 hours away from our home! Not having the gas to make a 4-6 hour round trip, he went to a much closer office to see if he could get a place in their queue. It turns out he has to take a driver's test first, and the earliest slot available is in mid-December, after his birthday! He has a temporary license to bridge the gap, but still! He also has to get a doctor's note regarding his vision, because his left eye is wonky. Best of all: although he has a passport card, he has to provide his Social Security card if he wants to "upgrade" his driver's license to one of these Real ID cards. A Federal passport card isn't good enough?! I'm at a loss for words here.
Then there are my governmental misadventures: through talking with IHSS, I found out that either the Medi-Cal official's waiving of this Share of Cost nonsense was ignored, or it was waived, then immediately reinstated. The Share of Cost looms large, and until it gets rescinded for good, IHSS can't give me any of my money back. I don't blame them, as their hands are tied in this situation. As for Medi-Cal, this iceberg is shaping up to be a honking big Glacier, and it looks more and more like I'm going to need some significant help to get this huge mess straightened out. More phone calls tomorrow - oh joy! :p
The opportunities I seized upon provided some glimpses of Sanity through this nonsense. As Himself managed to walk out of the DMV before noon, I was able to finagle a trip out to Questhaven and walk the labyrinth! It was nice to immerse myself in Nature and walk upon "holy ground." I could feel myself unclench, which turned out to be a very good thing, as I visited the County Offices after we returned home. I might have caused a bit of a scene otherwise!
This Wednesday evening also happened to be the evening The Unity Center had their quarterly Mindful Meditation service. I went to that while Himself took in a (separate) meeting. I had a very good experience tonight, feeling like I could (and for a brief time, DID) transcend the Insanity and re-anchor myself in my Spirituality. Himself picked me up when all was said and done, and we came home. Despite the Governmental hijinks, I feel lighter and less stressed now, and also very tired. I almost posted another of my brief "filler" entries, but as you can see, I managed to write and publish a full post. :)
Tonight I actually asked for some prayers on my/our behalf. I am definitely going to need some good prayers for tomorrow, as I turn my full attention to straightening out this whole Medi-Cal situation...
Prayers sent, and love, lot of love. Take care of you honey... <3