Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day 353: on an unraveling mind

The Queen Mother proclaimed herself "much better" today, getting up at a decent hour and eating her breakfast, no problems. She ate her dinner as well, and I joined her in conversation, after a fashion. (More on that in a minute.) She lent credence to my working hypothesis that she had worked herself into a frenzy yesterday by saying, adamantly, that she did NOT want to go to the clinic to get her blood work done, because it would be "too cold" and she has "issues" with cold. While I was cleaning up in the kitchen, I mentioned to her that we needed to do the tests because it could get me some help, which I needed, since I was taking care of two people. That got through to her, and she agreed that getting help would be a good thing for me. I can build upon this for the future, so I am very happy I finally managed to get this point across.

The pharmacy called today to let me know her Prolia injection was ready, and when did we want to come by? Apparently they will give her the injection in the pharmacy, and she is willing to do that, since it will be both close by and a quick in-out-and-done deal. I'm going to call tomorrow and set up that appointment.

Though mom said she is better, I am seeing a significant difference in her: when our computer rebooted itself (becaause Windows can be a pain in the asterisk), she was completely lost as to how to get to her email, and I had to walk her through it. She had a nap today and fell asleep, saying it was the "first time" that has happened. (No, it wasn't.) Her challenge in finding the right words, or any words, I know about, but it's getting markedly worse. Today she threw in that she is losing the memory of plotlines of books as she's reading them. She can still read, at least, but it looks like her comprehension is slipping away big time. She is also completely lost as to what day of the week it is, what the date is, and is having more and more difficulty telling time.

This is more than simple "age-related cognitive impairment," I am certain. I would like to know what kind of dementia this is, and where she is on the timeline. I just need to work around her growing resistance to going to medical appointments, yet I believe today I was given the key to doing just that.

In other news, Himself has been cleared to return to Cardiac Rehab, so that's what he's planning on doing tomorrow. If the Queen Mother isn't doing too badly, I intend to join him. A good workout seems like just what the witch doctor ordered.


  1. Darling Victoria, I know that sadly, as my own life take its course, I seldom have time to comment but I do read your blog and admire you so much. You are always in my heart and prayers as is the Queen Mother and Himself. I hope there are gentle days ahead for you all.

    Much love honey, and a gentle, warm hug...


  2. Thank you for the support. We seem to have turned a corner, though I think in different directions.
