Friday, December 21, 2018

Day 77: on "forced rest"

Although I woke up feeling okay this morning, by the end of the day I was not a happy camper. The muscles in my lower back started seizing up, and by the time I left the house to take care of errands, I was listing rather noticeably (to me, at least, if to no one else) to the left. My left leg happens to be a bit shorter than my right leg, so normally I wear a heel lift in my left shoe (and sandal) to even myself out. If I go barefoot for too long, or/and if I don't keep my heel lift taped in my footgear, then the unevenness of my gait catches up with me, and my lower back wants to go out.

Fortunately, Himself has a Tens unit, which provides electrotherapy to the spasming muscles. Also fortunately, our car has a warming feature in the front seats which heat up rather nicely to soothe sore muscles. I personally respond to Heat better than I respond to Ice, and I have tried both. On out way out and back this evening, I took advantage of both the Tens unit and the heat, which helped immensely. I took a couple of Motrin once I came back home - something I very rarely do, but it was much needed. I am now sitting reasonably comfortably in bed, lower back totally supported, and will have a nice lie down when I'm done with this blog entry.

Here I was looking for Stillness and Quiet for some deep journaling at Yuletide, and it looks like I'm going to get exactly that, especially since the chiropractor won't be back in until Wednesday. Between the Tens unit and the Motrin, I'll be okay until then. No worries.

Now if y'all will excuse me, I'm going to lie down for a spell... 

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