Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Day 110: on feeling vexed

The direct deposit arrived today, so we managed to restock what we needed to with groceries and filled up the tank with gas. I also spoke with SDG&E on behalf of the Queen Mother, and we are re-enrolled in their special cost-cutting program for another two years. Those are the good things that happened today.

The vexing part was the call to AARP. Apparently, since the Queen Mother already has a supplemental insurance plan, which we chose years ago, she can't "double dip" and get an additional plan. Apparently I was unclear about the whole Supplemental Insurance concept, so at the hearing tomorrow, I won't have anything to offer. Needless to say, I had a nice freakout over it all, as yet more Deep Fear had an opportunity to be recognized and rise to the surface. (More on that later.) 

I had thought briefly about blogging earlier, and I'm glad I didn't, because it would have sounded rather apocalyptic. Fortunately, a friend of ours who also happens to be in the Union that supports IHSS Providers called and talked to me. She didn't talk me off of the cliff, as I had already come down from the cliff at that point, but she did help to settle some jangled nerves, and she has offered further assistance tomorrow after the hearing. I plan to call her and stragetize, because I believe I will need it.

Can I say I'm not fond of trying to learn as I go? I prefer to have things mapped out before I take a plunge. With this part of the odyssey, though, I am, to borrow a sister blogger's phase, pantsing it - that is, navigating by the seat of my pants. I can only hope that I can pass along my experience down the line to some other caregiver who is entering the arena for the first time; that would make this hot mess of a Quest worthwhile.

I'm also glad that I'm allergic to alcohol, or I would have found a bottle to crawl into long before this, and not wanted to come out. I guess that's why I drink Arnold Palmers (tea + lemonade) and frappucchinos instead. :p

At any rate, whatever prayers you can send for tomorrow, at 1pm Pacific Time, would be most appreeciated. In the meantime, you'll find me in a mandala, coloring away... 

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