Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day 114: on steeping in sisterhood

A bit of background: I have a good friend who runs a semi-formal circle, mainly for women and woman-oriented activities (though she offers some all gender activities as well) from a special studio she built on her property, and she lives about ten minutes away from me. She has been at it for 15 years and is going into her 16th year. She invited peeps to join her in an "envisioning ceremony" today, and several of us came together to discuss the future of this circle. She doesn't want it to die out when she does, down the line, so she wants to see how best we can carry it forward.

I have attended her rites and celebrations in the past. I co-created rituals with her for a year. I even trained under her to become an "official" Priestess. (I put official in quotes because I'm already a Priestess, but I wanted something in writing that I could show to anyone who asked.) So when she put the word out to consider what we could do to keep the magick going, of course I was going to be a Hell Yes! It was an opportunity to reconnect with friends I had lost touch with during some of the more challenging times over the past few years.

Originally, Himself was going to drop me off there and return home, but I double checked, and this wasn't a "woman-only" event. So I rang him up and invited him to come down. This time, he was the only man present, but I would not be surprised if other men came to join him in subsequent meetings, if only one or two others.

There was a delicious homemade quiche offered, along with a tasty salad, various fruits, and some yummy mint chocolate cookies. So we noshed and talked and brainstormed and opined...and it felt totally lovely to sink back in to the energy, which I have missed a lot. We came up with some good ideas and intriguing possibilities, and we all agreed to pursue this further. Personally, I took away some good energy in reconnecting with the energy and with my sisters, which I will need for this next week! 

I also intend to return next Sunday for the celebration of Imbolc, when we will gather to make Vision Boards. Yum! (Himself won't be attending that one.)

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