Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day 230: on conserving energy

Officially in the Moontime and slightly under the weather. Himself and I seem to have matching sinus infections. The main difference: whereas I'm moderately congested and have a bit of a scratchy throat, he was irrigating several times a day and sounded like he was trying to cough up a lung, before his antibiotics kicked in. He gets the short end of the stick with sinus issues because his sinuses are very messed up, way more than mine. (Longish story.) However, everyone who told him he was "not contagious" was LYING. 

Played it low key today. Was amused when I finally woke up and my mind yelled, "Everything Is Cancelled!" It is rather challenging to have a minor cold during my Moontime, so I'm following my Inner Diva's advice and taking it easy, playing each day by ear.  

The cats took it easy as well, mainly due to the fact that there was light rain outside in the morning hours. The afternoon saw everything dry out, so they took advantage of the dryer weather to get a little exploring in. Pippa caught something, but I didn't let her into the house with her prize. She came in later, I was told, sans catch, and had a late supper.

Still considering my agenda for tomorrow. Will see how I feel.

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