Thursday, November 22, 2018

Day 48: on feasting with friends

Himself and I started the holidays with a newer tradition: Thanksgiving Day dinner at the Live & Let Live Alano Club, a meeting place of 12-Step groups that is LGBTQ+ friendly. We took our veggie trays, collected a friend en route, and made it in time to partake in the feasting.

There were fewer familiar faces present this year, but the place was packed, and the food was plentiful. I made myself a "veggie plate": mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, a carrot-almond dish, macaroni & cheese, cole slaw (one cabbage-based, the other kale-based, a green salad, a dinner roll, and a dollop of cranberry sauce. Only a dollop or so of each, but I was happily stuffed when all was said and done, especially after a modest slice of apple pie.

We made up a plate for the Queen Mother before we left, and I grabbed a bit of potato salad to pair with the excess stuffing for later. We also gathered up what remained of our veggie trays, which I will happily incorporate into many a salad for days to come. (Some folks have leftover turkey for days; I will have leftovere veggies. Works for me.) The Queen Mother enjoyed her special dinner when we got home. I spent much of the rest of the day napping, coloring my latest mandala, and snacking.

It was a good start to the holiday weekend all in all. Tomorrow, I will be feasting with members of my blood family, some of whom I haven't seen in years. It will be bittersweet this year, as we will also be formally saying goodbye to my uncle, who passed away in September. But we will make the best of it. :)


  1. Sounds like a really good day! ❤️

  2. I found something new this year. I bought way less and I sent home care packages with much more. Just a few leftovers.
    Glad you had a nice time.
    Gentle hugs,'Lauren
