Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Day 277: on staying atop the waves

This morning, instead of doing the Morning Pages, I played a game called "Sorting Through the Queen Mother's Medical Records." In this second run-through, I actually found a handful of records from 2002-2003, so I took these with me to her appointment.

I was very proud of her when she spoke up and said directly to Dr. M. that she was experiencing nausea; I chimed in and said that her "episodes" were becoming more frequent and more intense. When Dr. M. pressed upon the left side of her abdomen, she admitted to feeling some pain. He then wanted her to get some blood drawn for labs and for us to schedule an ultrasound for her stomach and liver. We went around the corner to visit the "vampires" of Labcorp; fortunately, the Queen Mother tolerated their air conditioning better this time around, partly because we weren't stuck there for an hour! Once her blood had been drawn, we went down to Radiology to schedule her ultrasound. Dr. M. also wanted a Bone Density test next month; I lucked out and managed to schedule both appointments on the same day. In the meantime, she was given an antinausea medication to take as needed.

Before we left the doctor's office, I mentioned to him my challenge in getting the Queen Mother registered in the Working Disabled Program, and showed him the documents I had found. Although she didn't start seeing Dr. M. until 2005, he had his internship under the doctor she was seeing at that time. At any rate, not only did he advise me which of the documents would be helpful, I ALSO got a letter from him supporting our cause. I don't think Dr. M's letter will be sufficient in and of itself, but I can include an affidavit from me, along with a few other records I've been told would be useful. Now I just have to get it all pulled together and pay a visit to the County Office!

At any rate, when the Queen Mother's current appointment was finished and her future appointments were set, Himself and I took her home, then went to pay the bills I was going to pay yesterday, but wasn't able to till today. Between some road construction on the main thoroughfare, and an accident on the Southbound 15, traffic was a hairy mess. Nevertheless, the bills got paid, and we swung by Trader Joe's to grab some quick dinner. 

Once my dinner was finished, I joined the Queen Mother at the dining room table in eating. She had been asking me to eat with her more often; today I was able to do that. I've spent the rest of the evening putting the her medical records we have received in chronological order. I don't know if I'll be using anything else that we have, but at least we have it. 

The pace will slow a bit tomorrow, as Himself "only" has a Cardiac session scheduled. I might get around to some of the phone calls I need to make tomorrow; if I don't, there's always Thursday, which has nothing scheduled at the moment. :)

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