Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 284: on another swerve

For once, Mercury Retrograde worked in my favor: Dr. M's office called just after I woke to call them, and both of us agreed that the possible ultrasound appointment at 10:15 am wouldn't work. We will try the game again tomorrow morning, and I asked them pretty please to call my cell number first!

I took a shower and washed my hair, had my tea and Morning Pages, and got ready to go to our friend's place for lunch. The lunch itself was lovely, and we did get some help that we gratefully received.

Now the swerve: we left my friend's place sans rear windshield. Yup, it's totally busted. Himself emptied the car of all things valuable when we got home, and we have rigged an improvised cover with some plastic and duct tape. We have also filed a claim with AAA to see what can be done, and how much money will need to be spent. Worst case, we will have to wait till August 1st to pay for everything.

I did manage to remain calm, but that's only because my brain locked up and stayed that way for about 20 minutes afterwards. Then it was some resigned acceptance: sure, let's add this to the ongoing Dumpster Fire, why not! At this point, a meteor could fall on our condo and I would just shrug and accept it, albeit with a dramatic sigh - Par for the course! Himself is trying to keep a stiff upper lip as well, but it's starting to quiver.

Staying in bed all day Saturday sounds like an excellent plan. In the meantime, there's another Cardiac session tomorrow. Maybe then I'll be in a mood to smash my records on the machines once more. As the song goes, "If it weren't for bad luck, (we) would have no luck at all!"


  1. I an sorry you are dealing with a S##t storm. I do get your quote. I have lived it. Hopefully today/tomorrow will be better, even if only by a little bit.

  2. Today was a bit better. We'll see about tomorrow. :)
