Monday, February 4, 2019

Day 122: on honoring my instincts

Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, and today I chose to reschedule just about everything that required me to leave the house. A cold rainy day + the start of my Moonflow = significant introversion and zero tolerance for bureaucratic ineptitude. I knew that if we were to go to the Social Security office today, there was a fair chance that I would be arrested, or politely escorted off the property at the very least, as my claws were Out.

I did have to do some grocery shopping, getting a few essentials for all parties of the household, and we were fortunate to get in, out, and done before the rains began in earnest. It rained early in the morning, then stopped until mid-afternoon, and has been going on and off since. It's supposed to rain tomorrow as well, then we get a few days to dry out before the next system pays a visit on Saturday.

I also managed to print out the medical release form for the Queen Mother, and enter my timesheet for the second half of January, so I managed to Adult a little. Mainly it's been trying very hard to stay "civil" to the rest of the family, and not go postal on them. (This arises from a deep desire simply to be Left Alone while I go about the very important task of Bleeding.)

Tomorrow, Himself has some appointments, one of them being an eye exam, where they will probably want to dilate his pupils. So I will make an effort to go with and drive him back home. Wish me luck...

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